Tuesday, November 22, 2016

So much to be thankful for....

2016 has been an uneventful year for sure.
We were living with the in laws in the beginning of the year
Savannah turned 3
We had our miracle baby February 18
We bought our FOREVER dream home May, moved in June
Kevin got a new job in January, but quit in August
I started a network marketing company Plexus which has been amazing
Both kids are healthy and amazing and I don't know what I would do without them

This has for sure been a crazy year, I have so much to be thankful for
I have my loving family and 2 awesome kids
I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in my belly
In my opinion, there isn't much more I could ask for

I am looking forward to starting 2017 with a fresh start!

I am also hosting Thanksgiving this year in our new house, so looking forward to that!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pregnancy Week 25

When I was pregnant with Savannah I took full advantage of everything. Indulging in foods I shouldn't have eaten, but I loved every minute of it. I gained a substantial amount of weight with her but I didn't care. I knew it would be my one and only pregnancy. I never expected to get pregnant again. It was a complete shock but a miracle I got pregnant again. As it happened without putting my body through fertility drugs. As I'm sitting here typing this, my little girl is kicking away reminding me that she is there. And I just sit and wonder what she's doing in there. I will never forget these kicks. I will actually miss them. Last night as I'm trying to fall asleep, she's kicking me trying to get me to stay awake with her. Little does she know, her momma needs some sleep. This will be my last and final pregnancy and I do plan on enjoying every.single.moment of this pregnancy as well. Savannah is excited to have a new sister, and we are excited to have a new baby join our family. 

This week I feel good. I go in Saturday for my glucose test, since I had it with Savannah I had to have it early this time. I passed the first one, so let's hope I pass the second one. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Exciting year for us

Just noticed it's been a while since I last posted. First off, we sold our house in March and was expecting to move in with our in laws, save some money and buy our dream house. Rewind to December 2014 when I got laid off from my job of 5+ years. It was devastating. So we were quick to sell the house. Finally sold it and go settled in. Then we decided to book a cruise for our 15th wedding anniversary in 2016 and found out exciting news! We're expecting again! Yay! But let me tell you, we weren't that excited at first. It was hard to believe it took us over 11 years to get pregnant with Savannah with all kinds of fertility help. Yet 2.5 years of nothing and got pregnant naturally. Getting pregnant wasn't in our cards but we are so excited and blessed to be pregnant again. I am currently 18 weeks and this week we're finding out the gender.

Total weight gain: currently 20 lbs 

Maternity clothes? Yes, but only pants. I can still wear my shirts. 

Stretch marks? havent looked but I'm sure there are 

Sleep: Barely sleeping 

Best moment this week: starting to feel baby kick a little more 

Miss anything? wine!! 

Food cravings: honey crisp apples, cereal and pizza

Anything making you queasy or sick? nope 

Gender: Find out this week! 

Labor signs: nope

Symptoms: yes so so tired

Belly button in or out? In! 

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: depends on the day lol

Looking forward to: finding out gender this week! 

How's Dad doing? Getting excited! 

Friday, February 14, 2014

1st Birthday pics and misc...

So at her actual party I forgot to take pics but here's 1 I got. I know family took some I just need to get them. I am so mad I forgot to take my camera out. But so busy with everything else.

 Here are some pics from her cake smash another photographer took....

I had a snow day from work in January so her and I were playing with the camera haha...

More snow day pics...